- Website of Amir Ghoniem


During my undergrade, graduate and PhD studies I have offered several courses on various topics.
  •  Seminars 

I offered several seminars on topics of general and basic psychology, including self-control or self-regulation, motivation, goal striving and research methods (experimental practicum). Moreover, I also offered applied seminars such as health psychology and work motivation (motivation in business contexts).

  • Workshops and Trainings   

Since I have alwaye been interested in further education and sharing my passion and interest in psychology and its implications with other students, I also offered several workshops and trainings during my undergraduate and graduate studies. These included a wide range of topics, such as the scientific study of psychology, research methods (mainly statistics), work motivation and leadership by motivation. Finally, having taken part in a communication training for managers from Michelin (Trier) during my graduate studies at the University of Trier, I have also offered an additional short training course on communication skills for students of the University of Trier.  

For more detailed information regarding my academic development and offered courses, please visit the CV section of my website. Please note, that not all courses I have offered are listed in this version of my CV. If you are interested in getting a more detailed listing of the courses I have offered, please feel free to contact me via email and I will send you a more detailed list.