- Website of Amir Ghoniem


During my undergraduate, graduate and PhD studies, I had the chance to work and collaborate with experts and well-known people in various fields. For example, I have been able to work with well-known research experts in the field of social and personality psychology, such as Wilhelm Hofmann (expert on self-control and self-regulation), Peter M. Gollwitzer (expert on motivation and goal-striving), Hugo M. Kehr (expert on work motivation, leadership and self-management), Nicola Baumann (expert on holistic personality psychology and self-regulation) and Eva Walther (expert on evaluative conditioning and advertisement). Moreover, I had the opportunity to work with Uwe Böning and Brigitte Fritschle, both experts in business coaching. I am truely grateful for these intriguing and valuable experiences and for the insights that I have learned from these experiences.
  • Psychology studies 

I studied psychology with a special focus on Industrial and Organizational Psychology and reserach at the University of Trier. Moreover, I studied one year abroad as a visiting scholar at the Appalachian State University in Boone, North Carolina in the I\O-psychology and HRM program. My studies abroad in the United States were supported by the Fulbright scholarship. After returining to the University of Trier, I finished my diploma thesis in psychology on the topic of self-control and self-control depletion.  

  • Advanced Business Trainings  

During my studies at the University of Trier and at the Appalachian State University, I visisted seveal advanced trainings and workshops on the topics of self-management, leadership and a 6-month advanced training on Business Coaching. As a result, I received two leadership certifications from the Appalachian State University (Keystone leadership certificate & Leadership 101 graduate certificate). These trainings not only equipped me with important knowlege, skills and abilities but further faciliated my interest in human resources and personnel consulting.  

  • PhD studies

After finishing my graduate studies in psychology, I started my PhD studies at the department of Social and Economic Cognition I at the University of Cologne (Supervisor: Prof. Wilhelm Hofmann), ranging from January 2014 to May 2017. My doctoral research focused on the psychology of desire and self-control and investigated how desires (or more general aspirations and motivations) emerge and how people regard succumbing to temptations and therefore to be lenient towards one's long-term goal strivings. On May 17th I succcessfully defended my PhD thesis. 

  • Engagement

Having always been interested in the nature of human psychology and having been grateful for the chance of studying psychology at the University of Trier which was like a dream come true for me, I have always been interested in giving something back in terms of voluntary engagements. For example, I have been the founder and head of the first psychology online forum for major and minor psychology students at the University of Trier. Moreover, I have been the co-founder of the MinD-Hochschulntzwerk group of the University of Trier in cooperation with Felix-Nicolai Müller. In addition, I also served as a contact person for international affairs and abroad studies (Europe & USA) of psychology student association at the University of Trier.    

For more detailed information regarding my academic development, please visit the CV section of my website.